Commitment to Children, Their Health, Development and Learning
Evaluation and Treatment Programs that Maximize their Potential and Success


Driven to Distance: A Sensory Journey Through Autism

Dear Families of Children having Autism Spectrum Disorders,

With unyielding passion of heart, mind and soul you embrace your children empowering their growth and development. You are determined to prevent your children from being "Driven to Distance", pursuing biological, environmental and spiritual avenues developing brain connections that have a profound impact upon your children's ability to love, grow and interact with others. You nurture their capacity for feelings and attachment, which are very necessary steps toward thought and language. You embrace that the brain learns and environment plays a powerful role in affecting biology and developing children's potential. You are truly great explorers of new territory, querying the map of billions of chemical "letters" that make up human DNA. You challenge what turns genes on/off and what drives this process. Advances in neuroscience have helped us to better understand the role of biological sensory pathways in Autism Spectrum Disorders, that for multiple underlying reasons, are overexcited (too many switch-ons) and/or overinhibited (too many switch-offs). The brain learns and sensory pathways can be developed. YOUR LOVE, FORTITUDE and YOUR CHILDREN'S GROWTH ARE EVIDENCE OF THE POWER OF HUMAN POTENTIAL.

This song is for you.

We chose music/song, very sensory resonating avenues, to share what the children have expressed to us in over 30 years of clinical work with them and watching them grow. This composition reflects many of children's own words describing their sensory experiences, from which they are "Driven to Distance" and also reflects "Peaceful Rhythms" aiding development. As you listen to this composition, may it resonate within you echoing the children's expressions of "Distance" and also echo "Peaceful Rhythms" that can guide their health. As you view the spectrogram movie of the composition, may you sense the dysrhythmic overexcitation-overinhibition reflecting sensory storms, Driving Distance and sense peaceful rhythms, guiding Sensory Harmony and Health.

Throughout your exploration of your children's growth and development we wish you a continued journey filled with wonder, excitement and smiles on your children's faces reflecting loving hearts, peaceful souls and thoughtful minds. Your children's growth is evidence of the power of brain growth and the power of human potential. We always look forward to seeing the children and journeying with you.


Dr. Val Scaramella-Nowinski: Pediatric Neuropsychology

Founder, Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative; "Driven To Distance" Lyrics

Chad W. Konchak "Driven to Distance" Music composer and Guitar/Vocals
We Wholeheartedly Thank:
Jason Mann - Bass
Elizabeth Olsen - Cello
Cynthia Berecz - Vocals
Suvo Sur - Mix, Recording and Arrangements and Advanced Brain Technologies (ABT) - Alex Doman, Founder and CEO, and Greg Lawrence- Audio Engineer- Visual Composition (, for their artistic talents and kindred spirits in touching the lives of the children


Lyrics by Valerie Nowinski, Psy.D.
Music by Chad William Konchak

I Know You Sense My Love in My Body
You Sense Warmth
You Sense the Rhythms of My Heartbeat
The Rhythm of My Breathing
I Yearn to Hold You in My Arms
Cradling You in Safety and Love

I Watch You so Closely I Hold You so Gently
I Sense Your Stillness I Sense the Storm of Sensitivity
You are being Driven to Distance amidst Our Love

I Watch You Spin I Watch You Flap
I Hear You Echo
You Startle You Stare You are Driven to Distance
Your Senses Overwhelm You
Repeated Behaviors Keep You Locked Up
A Sensory Storm Robotic Stillness to Explosion

Wishing You Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Quiet Sounds Gentle Touch
Calm Movement Soothing Taste
Eyes Looking at Me Your Loving Spirit
No Longer Driven to Distance
Safe in My Arms with Love with Harmony
With Peaceful Rhythms

Rain Sounds like Boulders
Breathing Vibrates within You
Words Echo Recording with Speeds so Slow so Fast
You Can't Make Sense of What People are Saying
Used to Think You Couldn't Hear
You Couldn't Make Sense of the Sounds

Lights are Blinding Full of Darkness
You Startle You Stare
SometimesYour Eyes Don't Move at All
Your Eyes Dart All Over Lost in Distanced Vision
Touch of Absent or Painful Sensations
Robotic Movements Motionless or Chaotic
Panic Startle Paralyzed Anxiety
Wishing You Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Quiet Sounds Gentle Touch
Calm Movement Soothing Taste
Eyes Looking at Me Your Loving Spirit
No Longer Driven to Distance
Safe in My Arms with Love with Harmony
With Peaceful Rhythms

The World Seems so Novel
So New with Every Sensation
Robbing You of Memories and Interaction
Such Robotic Memory for Details
Such Difficulty Remembering
Words Expressions Gestures Touch
Out of Synch Sensations
Driving You to Distance

I Know You Need to Sense Peace
Hear My Voice
See My Gestures Feel My Affection
All with Peaceful Rhythms and Repetition
Moving in Harmony With You
I am Always With You
You Can Learn and Grow
Sensing Peaceful Rhythms
Repetitive Sensations Resonating in Harmony

I Will Always Embrace You
And Hold You with Comfort Over and Over
The World Will Not Seem so
New so Novel then Hearing Seeing
Tasting Touching Feeling Breathing Growing
With Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Your Gentle Spirit
Your Journey Back to Me
Less Driven to Distance
In Harmony with Each Other

Wishing You Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Quiet Sounds Gentle Touch
Calm Movement Soothing Taste
Eyes Looking at Me Your Loving Spirit
No Longer Driven to Distance
Safe in My Arms with Love with Harmony
With Peaceful Rhythms

"A brain without a body could not think."
- Moshe Feldenkrais

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