16001 South 108th Avenue, Suite 2 • Orland Park, Illinois 60467
phone (708)403-9000 • fax (708)403-9988 • ndcbrain@aol.com
Consulting Network:
- Schools/Educational Programs
- Medical and Allied Health Child Development Programs
- Libraries
- Parent Health and Education Associations
- Educational Toys/Learning Companies
Consulting Staff: All Consultants are Licensed Specialists |
Interdisciplinary Professions: |
- Pediatric Neuropsychology
- Medicine
- Clinical- Behavioral Psychology
- Speech/Language Development
- Sensory - Motor Development
- Education
Consultation Schedules: Flexible Schedules are Available:
1 hour Consultation through Multi-Day Seminars/Workshops
- On Site Consultation
- Audio Consultation/Conferencing
- Web Consultation/Conferencing
- Video Consultation/Conferencing: National and International Consultation
Examples of Consultation and Staff Development Programs
- Plain Talk About the Brain, Child Development, and Learning
- Neuroscience– Education Link
- Child Development: Conception –3 Years
- Early Childhood Development: 3-6 Years
- Neuroplasticity: The Brain Learns
- The Working Brain: The Development of Attention, Perception, Speech/Language, Sensory Motor, Executive Function, Memory and Mood/Social Functions During Childhood
- Nutrition in Childhood
- The Development of Intelligence
- Development of Early Sensory Reflexes Upon Learning
- Sensory/Motor Development
- Attention/Memory Development
- Language Development
- Mood and Social Development
- Literacy Development: "Readers and Leaders Program"
- Pre-Literacy: Pre-Reading and Pre-Writing
- Child Development Tips for Home
- Child Developement Tips for the Classroom
- Child Development Behavior Tips
- Autism and Related Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Asperger Disorder
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Pediatric Brain Injury/Head Injury
- Learning Disorders
- Dyslexia
- Auditory Processing Disorders
- Sensory Integration and Motor Disorders
- Tic Disorders - Tourette Disorder
Promoting Awareness of Current Brain Research and Clinical/Education Programs Regarding Child Development and Learning
"Cherishing Each Child With Commitment Toward Brain Development and Learning"