“Cherishing each child with commitment toward brain development and learning”.
Continued growth as a neuroscience health program advancing reasoned and compassionate knowledge and treatment about pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorders, promoting the quality of life of the children.
RESPECT: We respect the children and respect them equally. We respect the quality of life of all children and their right to learn and develop to their fullest potential.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT: We value a child’s growth of mind, heart and spirit. We value that optimal learning and development requires relaxed alertness. As a child learns and loves, a child’s spirit grows.
POTENTIAL: We value the potential of each child, recognizing all kinds of minds. We value that each child is unique, possessing a dynamic capacity for learning and growth.
SOCIAL CONCERN: We value that learning is a major health issue and that the health and development of children impact global societal health.
INTEGRITY: We value integrity; children learning empathy, caring, honesty, trust, and respect of self and others as they journey through life.
EXCELLENCE: We value reasoned and compassionate knowledge and specialized training and excellence in performing our service. We value our responsibility to neuropsychology as a neuroscience discipline promoting an increased understanding of the brain-behavior relationship in children having Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Dear Families of children having Autism Spectrum Disorders,
Every day in my practice I am touched and humbled by your unyielding passion to embrace your children by empowering their growth and development. You are determined to prevent your children from being driven to distance, pursuing biological, environmental, and spiritual avenues, developing brain connections that have a profound impact upon your child’s ability to love, grow, and interact with others. You nurture their capacity for feelings and attachment that are very necessary steps toward thought and language. This surely makes you great explorers of new territory, querying the mapping of billions of chemical “letters” that make up human DNA. You challenge what turns genes on/off and what drives this process. Your love and children’s growth is evidence of the power of brain growth and the power of human potential. Throughout your exploration of your children’s growth and development I wish you a continued journey filled with wonder, excitement, and smiles on your children’s faces reflecting loving hearts, peaceful souls, and thoughtful minds.
DR. Val L. Scaramella-Nowinski
Pediatric Neuropsychology
The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative: Brain-Behavior and Development Program offers a very comfortable setting for children and their families and provides comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluation and treatment programs. Neuroscience advances have demonstrated the power and adaptation of brain development especially at early ages. The brain learns with tremendous complexity. Biological and environmental influences affect brain development among multiple pathways and related developmental functions throughout life. Healthy conditions (biological and environmental) help brain development. Unhealthy conditions (biological and environmental) impede brain development. Childhood is a very active time of development physically, psychologically, and socially. Children’s brains are ready for trillions of connections to be made among specialized brain pathways/systems governing the development of Attention, Perception, Executive Function, Memory, Speech, Language, Sensory, Motor, Mood, and Social Functions.
Advances in neuroscience research, practice, and technology have resulted in the development of specialized evaluation procedures. Comfortable age-based tests are used to evaluate your child’s development. These tests assess functions of multiple brain pathways and how these pathways interact, affecting your child’s development. Brain functions evaluated include Attention, Perception, Executive Function, Memory, Speech, Language, Sensory, Motor, Mood, and Social Functions.
Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Attention skills: focusing attention, sustaining attention, and switching attention: eye movement and sound modulation
Reception, Analysis, and Memory of sensory information
Expression and Organization of sensory information - Executive Function
The evaluation process includes, as necessary:
Clinical interviews with the children and families
Early identification assessments
Multisensory attention tests including eye movement/computer analysis
Speech and Language evaluation
Sensory/Motor evaluation
Memory evaluation
Mood/Social Skills evaluation
Executive Function/planning- organizational skills evaluation including daily living skills assessment
Intelligence/Achievement tests
Informal play-based observations evaluations
Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder development checklists
Autism Diagnostic Inventories
Previous health/allied health and education evaluations are correlated with neuropsychological data.
Nutrition evaluation, environmental-wellness and integrated healthcare evaluation network is also available. Awareness of foods and/or environmental sensitivities/toxins that may be affecting your child’s development is important.
Interdisciplinary health care network is available to you. Electrophysiological/ brainwave variants and/or structural brain variants can be evidenced in some children having Autism spectrum disorders or related pervasive developmental disorders. The formal neuropsychological evaluation and the child’s history can be used for clinical correlation with electroencephalograms, MRI’s or other imaging tests.
Following formal evaluation, our staff meets with you to discuss test results including diagnosis and interdisciplinary treatment recommendations. This conference is individualized and very comprehensive. Neuropsychological evaluation provides a detailed “functional brain-behavior profile” that describes how your child is developing.
Any developmental delays/difficulties as well as your child’s strengths are discussed. This brain-behavior profile guides your child’s treatment plan. You are given formal reports documenting the evaluation procedures, results, interdisciplinary recommendations, and resources. Formal educational reports, based upon the neuropsychological evaluation, are also available. These can aid in developing your child’s individual educational plan and accommodation classroom support services for your child.
We offer a “Whole Child” and “Whole Brain” developmental
approach. The brain learns and children grow!
The initial clinical interview is approximately one and a half hours, depending upon your child’s development. We offer a very comfortable pediatric setting with multi-sensory materials for your children. The formal evaluation is very individualized. Formal evaluation can range from approximately 6-10 hours, over several sessions, depending upon your child’s age and needs and to assure your child’s comfort.
Evaluation Team
Our team is interdisciplinary:
Pediatric Neuropsychology
Clinical/Behavioral Psychology
Child Development specialists
Speech/Language clinicians
Sensory/Motor clinicians
Education specialists
Close collaboration with other medical, allied health, and education specialists is available depending upon your child’s needs
(Ages 18 months – 36 months)
Dear Parents:
Symptoms of Autism or related Pervasive Developmental Disorders can first manifest in infancy. Early identification and intervention is so very important. Research/long term outcome studies have demonstrated that children with Autism or related pervasive disorders, who are identified at an early age and receive early intervention, show long-lasting and significant gains intellectually and with adaptive behaviors (Lovaas, 1993). The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development encourages early identification and intervention so as to promote a child’s potential and quality of life.
The brain learns; often referred to as neuroplasticity. Early childhood is a prime time of development - an open window of opportunity when connections in the brain are powerful. Advanced technology, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), that can demonstrate blood flow in the brain while an individual is learning a task, and Neuropsychological (Brain–Behavior) studies have shown how effectively the brain learns, especially at early ages.
This checklist is an early identification guide of neurodevelopmental delays which often represent Autism or related Pervasive Developmental Disorders. It can help you secure early diagnosis and treatment. The checklist is based upon Neuropsychological (Brain - Behavior) models of early childhood development. The major functions of development and learning involving Attention, Perception, Speech, Language, Memory, Executive Function, Sensory, Motor and Mood are addressed.
You are encouraged to share this profile with your pediatrician/primary care physician, health specialists and educational specialists, so as to secure early age diagnosis and treatment that can help your child achieve his/her potential.
Dr. Val L. Scaramella-Nowinski
Pediatric Neuropsychology
Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative: Brain-Behavior and Development Program
Your child can receive interdisciplinary treatment at one center. If you travel from a distance and/or already have a treatment team, we offer consultation with your child’s healthcare and education teams. Team communication is very important. The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative offers comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and individualized treatment based upon your child’s formal evaluation. Biological, psychological, developmental, and educational recommendations/interventions are discussed with you. You are also given formal reports documenting your child’s treatment plan. Your child’s treatment program addresses the major functions of development: Attention, Perception, Memory, Executive Function, Speech, Language, Sensory, Motor, Mood, and Social Functions, guiding your child’s health, development and potential.
This program focuses upon modulating alertness and multisensory attention in the brain and easing sensory pathways. Wake states, sleep states and what a child does in between wake and sleep, relies on brain pathways associated with sense organs. Every time your child hears, sees, touches, tastes, and smells, sensory pathways in the brain and body are charged. Children having Autism and related pervasive developmental disorders often experience an overexcitation (too many switch-ons) and/or over inhibition (too many switch-offs) among multiple pathways that disrupt their sensory contact with their environment. The inefficient sensory “switch-ons” or “switch-offs” throughout the brain can also affect other body pathways. This is one of the reasons why there are a significant number of children having Autism Spectrum Disorders who experience food/airborne sensitivities, immune/gastrointestinal symptoms among other metabolic symptoms.
When a child’s sensory system is overwhelmed, stress hormones are alerted and anxiety increases. Children with Autism and related pervasive developmental disorders are driven to distance as their sensory systems overwhelm them. It becomes difficult for them to receive sensory information from their environment and difficult for them to consolidate the sensory information in memory. This is why stimuli often seem continuously novel for them and is difficult for them to learn from memory traces. This is also why learning by repetition becomes helpful (i.e. Applied Behavioral Analysis- ABA behavioral programs). Repetition alerts the brain’s sensory pathways allowing for better recollection and then reflection of behavior as a child develops.
Eye movement and eye contact are reliable indicators of neurodevelopment and sensory input. It is one of the first signs that a child’s visual attention to his/her environment. As children grow, eye movement becomes more smooth and targeted to specific stimuli including sound and touch. Children can better focus attention, sustain attention, and switch attention, to necessary sensory information in order to grow and develop. Autism Spectrum Disorders result in driving a child to distance, with inefficient eye contact, eye movement, and even staring episodes and/or rapid darting of the eyes.
Treatment procedures within this program focus upon “timing” of sensory brain pathways, allowing your child to more efficiently and peacefully attend to the environment and feel peaceful rhythms physiologically throughout the body.
The eye movement/eye tracking program uses comfortable advanced technology/specialized cameras to evaluate eye movement and measure treatment progress. Eye movement training focuses upon facial recognition, object recognition, and the development of visual attention, visual perception, and visual memory. These visual brain pathways are strongly connected with auditory, sensory, motor, and mood brain pathways so as to integrate a child’s sensory development.
Modulation of eye movement is comfortable, calming and helps the child connect with his or her environment. Parents are also given visual graphs demonstrating their child’s eye movement and tracking progress.
Children having Autism and related pervasive disorders experience overwhelmed sensory systems. Stress hormones are alerted and anxiety increases. As this happens, they have difficulty receiving sensory information and have difficulty consolidating this sensory information in memory. This is why stimuli often seem continuously novel for them and it is difficult for the children to learn from memory traces.
Memory training incorporates multisensory programs using repetition, recollection, and reflection exercises based on the child’s level of development and as documented by the formal evaluation results. Multiple aspects of memory are addressed including visual memory, auditory memory, tactile memory, rote memory, short term memory, and working memory, long term memory. Memory consolidation is necessary for the development of selective attention and efficiency and smoothness of eye movement, eye contact, and global sensory development. Repetition, recollection, and reflection from memory also aids in planning, organizational skills that help a child regulate his/her behavior. Example: repetitive trail learning is the basis of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). As behaviors are consolidated in memory though ABA a child can better regulate the particular behavior being worked on. Consistent recollection and reflection exercises following the repetitive exercises aid in increased regulation of behavior. The behavior becomes less novel to the child and promotes his/her learning of the behavior.
Your child’s sensory development and movement rely on some of the very first brain pathways governing your child’s development. We help you to recognize and treat the warning signs of sensory motor delays such as irregular head movements, irregular eye movement, irregular rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, and warning signs of right/left in-coordination, difficulty with sensory integration, and multi sensory sensitivities. Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy programs are very important. Our program utilizes Feldenkrais® and related “Awareness Through Movement ®” programs. The Feldenkrais® movement method ( is an internationally recognized program that promotes learning and brain growth using gentle movements, guiding the speed and timing of sensory motor reflexes throughout the body. The sessions develop communication among sensory pathways through movement. This enables movement input to flow freely throughout the brain. Sensory attention improves affecting learning and developing your child’s potential.
Learning to move with less effort makes daily life easier. We focus upon health and the relationship between movement and increased awareness, attention, and learning. Movement is an integral part of the learning process. We teach the child modulated movement, relaxed breathing, and efficient sleep exercises that aid in his/her development.
During sensory-movement sessions, children often express feelings of relaxation and more ease. They breathe more freely, their thoughts have more clarity, and they have more body control. The wake/sleep cycles are eased without artificial means and this process also empowers their esteem and development. In essence, Feldenkrais and related sensory movement programs teach children how to improve their health and life through organized modulation/timing of sensations and movement.
Your child’s speech and language development involves connections among multiple brain pathways. Speech and language development is a multisensory attention, reception memory, and expression experience. The auditory cortex (sound brain) is strongly connected with pathways of the sensory motor cortex (sensory and movement brain), the visual cortex (seeing brain), and the limbic subcortex (mood and sensory/memory brain). The vestibular nerve/system (sensory/balance brain) influences vibration and movement throughout the body. All of these pathways and their connections govern the development of your child’s speech and language. Decades of clinical research among multiple professions including neuropsychology, medicine, acoustics, physiology, music therapy, etc have increased our knowledge of speech/language development. Children having Autism and related pervasive development disorders often experience an ear-brain connection problem. Hearing is not usually the problem; it is the ear-brain connection that experiences delays. Sound travels through the auditory canal to the eardrum, vibrating the middle ear bones. The inner ear takes this vibration energy and converts it to electrochemical messages and carries them through auditory pathways to the brain. The brain interprets these messages as sound. When auditory perception is distorted a child’s attention, emotional, cognitive, social, and academic development becomes difficult.
The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative provides formal Speech and Language therapy and Listening programs including music based auditory modulation and sensory-vibration modulation programs that train auditory brain areas to process sound. Comfortable headphones using air conduction and/or bone conduction programs transmit modulated vibration and modulated sound. Home-based auditory training programs are also provided.
Auditory related pathways throughout the brain and body influence not only speech and language but also increase your child’s attention, perception, sensory, motor, mood, and self-regulatory executive function skills. Language reception (understanding language), memory, and expression (speaking, singing. signing) occur when the brain recognizes and interprets the sound through vibration, movement, visuals, touch, music, and multi sensory stimuli.
Children having Autism and related pervasive developmental disorders are sensorially overwhelmed often resulting in mood deregulation. The children also use much energy to cope with the impact of pervasive developmental delays that can often be quite draining. A child’s mood and social development are associated with delays of attention, perception, memory, speech, language, sensory, and motor development.
The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative provides specialized behavior programs based upon your child’s evaluation results. Family support is always a very important part of the program. The behavioral programs help relax and calm your child and guide their behaviors. Through these programs children are better able to communicate with their family and environment and develop social skills.
ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis Focus
All children are unique and require individual attention. Our center customizes ABA to the needs of each child. ABA is structured and builds upon a child’s strengths using repetitive learning and positive reinforcement. Parent involvement is very important so that the children can generalize what they learn through ABA into other environments including school and developing social relationships.
ABA underscores that the environment is closely linked with behavior and that consequences have an effect upon behavior. If a behavior is followed by pleasant event/positive reinforcement, then it will occur more often. In the 1970’s Ivar Lovaas from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) conducted research using these behavioral principles. He and his colleagues pioneered ABA using behavioral principles in treating children with Autism. Some of his design included working in the child’s home environment. Lovaas’ research revealed that “47% of children who received 35-40 hours of 1:1 behavioral intervention in their home demonstrated an increase of 30 IQ points and were indistinguishable from their peers when placed in a school setting” (Lovass, 1987-1993).
ABA is a behavioral conditioning technique that provides repetitive trial behavior teaching. Trial methods teach specific behaviors. It is very clear to the child what behavior is expected of him/her and consistent positive reinforcement aids in learning the behavior. The program covers 3 components: the discriminating stimulus (SD), is the instruction given to the child; the response (R), the child’s response to the instruction; and the reinforcing stimulus (SR), the reinforcement given to the child. This technique can be used to teach social/play skills, language skills, self help/self awareness skills, and academic skills.
Social Relationships/Social Skills Focus
Individual sessions with the children and group sessions are offered. Clinicians develop individualized Social Stories using the child’s portrait and drawings as well as other visualizations that describe social relationships and behaviors. Role playing and the Picture Exchange Communication Programs (PECS) are also used. PECS are visually based language cards. These programs guide the fundamental focus of the program: development of awareness of self and other.
Sensory Modulation Focus
The center houses child friendly sensory rooms equipped with comfortable technology that eases sensory overload. As children become less sensorially overwhelmed, children can learn with more ease and success.
Cushioned and soft squeeze machines that allow a child to roll through eased levels of cushioned pressure throughout the body
Soft fiber optics with adjustable speeds
Comfortable cushioned chairs with vibration at altered speeds
Auditory/sound programs using soothing altered frequencies of sound
Language/Behavior Focus
As children having Autism or related pervasive developmental disorders develop, speech and language can powerfully help guide and self direct their behaviors. Language specialists work with the children in developing expressive language (talking aloud or signing) with visual cues regarding mood and social skills and social awareness development. As the child progresses and expressively guides his or her behavior, the clinicians emphasize the development of internal speech (silent self talk) to guide and self direct his/her behaviors.
Your child’s comprehensive evaluation results allow the clinicians to develop the language related behavior programs based specifically upon your child’s level of development.
Your child’s comprehensive evaluation results are used regarding recommendations for Neurofeedback. Neurofeedback training is unique in that it does not introduce anything chemical or foreign into the brain. It uses the brain to improve itself. Neurofeedback: EEG Biofeedback is a comfortable brain wave training method that increases attention skills and learning. The mind/body connection is incredibly powerful. We respond to multisensory stimuli from the environment through our sense organs (i.e. eyes, ears….). As we respond to sensory stimuli brain wave activity is excited (“switch- ons”) and inhibited (“switch-offs”). Optimal learning requires relaxed alertness: comfortable and regulated states of switch- ons and switch- offs. The brain performs at different levels for different tasks. Electrical signals fire at different frequencies depending upon tasks/activities. Neurofeedback is a technique from which the brain learns to regulate switch- ons and switch- offs. It measures the electrical signals and builds upon learning that facilitates efficient switches- on and switches- off, comfortable frequencies that regulate a child’s attention and learning. Two computers are used. Representations of brain activity are visualized on one computer screen. The child views another computer screen that displays simple to complex learning related games. The child plays a game on the computer and when optimal brain frequencies are produced (efficient switch- ons and switch- offs) the child earns points. When optimal frequencies are not being produced, there is no reinforcement. Overtime the child learns how to regulate his or her focusing of attention, sustaining attention, and switching attention in order to earn more points. With training, the brain learns to produce these frequencies on its own.
Advances in neuroscience technology have increased the clinical use of neurofeedback and research especially over the past 25 years. Neurofeedback offers evidence based technology in being able to improve brain development and learning.
Frank H. Duffy (2000), a professor and pediatric neurologist and Harvard Medical School, has said that scholarly literature now suggests that neurofeedback “should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas,…if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy it would be universally accepted and widely used” (Duffy, FH., Editorial: The state of EEG Biofeedback therapy (EEG operant conditioning), (In editor’s opinion clinical electroencephalography, 31 (1): V.III, 2000).
An interdisciplinary approach regarding child development evaluation and treatment is very important. The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative provides biological, psychological, and education collaboration. Neuropsychological evaluation and treatment aid in recognizing if further physiological evaluation/ treatment is necessary (i.e., brain wave, EEG, MRI, metabolic profiles). An interdisciplinary network of Autism Spectrum disorder specialists is available: Pediatric Neurology, Developmental Pediatrics, Pediatric Psychiatry, Otology/Audiology Sleep Specialists, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Ophthalmology and Optometry, Gastroenterology, Nutrition: Environmental Wellness Consultation, Allergy/Immunology, Genetics, Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy among others. We encourage team collaboration with health specialists addressing the multiple underling conditions that can be associated with developmental disorders and evaluating airborne/food/ environmental sensitivities/allergies/toxins that can influence a child’s health and development.
Understanding the biological-social link is not a new idea. Survival of species has always been dependent upon living in harmony with the world. Environmental influences affect digestion, respiration, muscles, skin, and other physiological functions and also impact mental functions of attention, memory, speech, language, sensory/motor and mood. Metabolic processes that govern global physiological health are closely linked with brain metabolism: brain chemistry (neurotransmitters) and electrophysiological impulses (brain wave rhythms). Some children having Autism Spectrum disorders can be at risk for environmental sensitivities. This link is usually related versus casual in origin. Everyone’s system is unique, “one man’s food is another man’s poison” (Hippocrates). Seek qualified health professional advice to guide these biological-environmental sensitivities. How your child feels physically and mentally is key to optimal growth and well being.
An interdisciplinary approach to child development evaluation and treatment is very important. The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative provides biological, psychological, and educational collaboration. The director of educational services and the clinical education team is available to consult with educational professionals. Consultation regarding your child’s Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or Classroom Accommodation Plan/Support Services (504 Plan) is available. The neuropsychological evaluation can aide in specifying eligibility criteria and educational support programs for your child. Early educational documentation and education support is best so as to:
Promote your child’s learning and potential
Provide an educational environment that eases “sensory storms”
Provide interdisciplinary support services
Help prevent regression or poor recoupment of functions
Help develop your child’s self sufficiency
The Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative enjoys positive working relationships with multiple school districts. Formal ‘Brain-Based Learning’ reports, based upon the neuropsychological evaluation results are also available as are conferences with school professionals. Interdisciplinary collaboration is integral to your child’s growth and potential.
Professionals at the Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative are often invited speakers at local, national, and international conferences. Our presentations focus upon developing an increased understanding of brain pathways and related functions affected in Autism Spectrum Disorders understanding multiple underlying etiologies, early identification, evaluation, and treatment. This brain-behavior model emphasizes neuroplasticity/brain growth. The brain is a powerful organ. Children can learn and develop their potential.
Special Focus Conferences: Electrophysiological dysrhythmias Autism Spectrum Disorders: evaluation and treatment and interdisciplinary intervention.
Consultation/staff development programs are available to hospitals, schools, libraries, allied health organizations, and physician offices. Teleconferences and video conferences are available.
- click the site you wish to visit
Organizations wishing to link with the Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative: Brain-Behavior and Development Program, Please contact us.
For greater than 30 years, we have studied the impact of electrophysiological dysrythmias variants affecting the systemic organization of brain functions especially perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral functions. Multiple sleep deprived electroencephalograms and 24 hour- 72 hour ambulatory electroencephalograms including video monitoring have been clinically correlated with formal neuropsychological evaluation data.
It has been well documented that children having Autism and related Pervasive Developmental Disorders have a significant incidence of electrophysiological dysrythmias/variants affecting their development. If seizure activity is noted, medical treatment and specialized treatment programs addressing the brain-behavior symptom complex have shown promising results, especially with early intervention. These therapeutic interventions can be used without medication depending on EEG results.
The children’s development and growth underscores the impact of this research and emphasizes the need for more specific identification, especially early identification, and treatment of this sub-group of individuals experiencing electrophysiological disturbances affecting their development and learning.
To listen to “Driven to Distance: A Sensory Journey through Autism” (click here)
Dear Families of Children having Autism Spectrum Disorders,
With unyielding passion of heart, mind, and soul you embrace your children empowering their growth and development. You are determined to prevent your children from being “Driven to Distance”, pursuing biological, environmental, and spiritual avenues developing brain connections that have a profound impact upon your children’s ability to love, grow, and interact with others. You nurture their capacity for feelings and attachment, which are very necessary steps toward thought and language. You embrace that the brain learns and environment plays a powerful role in affecting biology and developing children’s potential. You are truly great explorers of new territory, querying the map of billions of chemical “letters” that make up human DNA. You challenge what turns genes on/off and what drives this process. Advances in neuroscience have helped us to better understand the role of biological sensory pathways in Autism Spectrum Disorders, that for multiple underlying reasons, are overexcited (too many switch-ons) and/or overinhibited (too many switch-offs). The brain learns and sensory pathways can be developed. YOUR LOVE, FORTITUDE, AND YOUR CHILDREN’S GROWTH ARE EVIDENCE OF THE POWER OF HUMAN POTENTIAL.
We chose music/song, very sensory resonating avenues, to share what the children have expressed to us in over 30 years of clinical work with them and watching them grow. This composition reflects many of children’s own words describing their sensory experiences, from which they are “Driven to Distance” and also reflects “Peaceful Rhythms” aiding development. As you listen to this composition, may it resonate within you echoing the children’s expressions of “Distance” and also echo “Peaceful Rhythms” that can guide their health.
Throughout your exploration of your children’s growth and development we wish you a continued journey filled with wonder, excitement, and smiles on your children’s faces reflecting loving hearts, peaceful souls, and thoughtful minds. Your children’s growth is evidence of the power of brain growth and the power of human potential. We always look forward to seeing the children and journeying with you.
Dr. Val Scaramella-Nowinski: Pediatric Neuropsychology
Founder, Pediatric Neuropsychology Autism Initiative; “Driven To Distance” Lyrics
Chad W. Konchak “Driven to Distance” Music composer and Guitar/Vocals
We wholeheartedly thank Jason Mann – Bass, Elizabeth Olsen – Cello, Cynthia Berecz - Vocals, Suvo Sur – Mix, Recording, and Arrangements, and Advanced Brain Technologies (ABT) - Alex Doman, Founder and CEO, and Greg Lawrence- Audio Engineer- Visual Composition (, for their artistic talents and kindred spirits in touching the lives of the children.
To listen to “Driven to Distance: A Sensory Journey through Autism” (click here)
Organizations wishing to share this song on their website, please contact us (no fee)
~Lyrics by Valerie Nowinski, Psy.D. ~ Music by Chad William Konchak~
I Know You Sense My Love in My Body
You Sense Warmth
You Sense the Rhythms of My Heartbeat
The Rhythm of My Breathing
I Yearn to Hold You in My Arms
Cradling You in Safety and Love
I Watch You so Closely I Hold You so Gently
I Sense Your Stillness I Sense the Storm of Sensitivity
You are being Driven to Distance amidst Our Love
I Watch You Spin I Watch You Flap
I Hear You Echo
You Startle You Stare You are Driven to Distance
Your Senses Overwhelm You Repeated Behaviors Keep You Locked Up
A Sensory Storm Robotic Stillness to Explosion
Wishing You Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Quiet Sounds Gentle Touch
Calm Movement Soothing Taste
Eyes Looking at Me Your Loving Spirit
No Longer Driven to Distance
Safe in My Arms with Love with Harmony
With Peaceful Rhythms
Rain Sounds like Boulders
Breathing Vibrates within You
Words Echo Recording with Speeds so Slow so Fast
You Can’t Make Sense of What People are Saying
Used to Think You Couldn’t Hear
You Couldn’t Make Sense of the Sounds
Lights are Blinding Full of Darkness
You Startle You Stare Sometimes
Your Eyes Don’t Move at All Your Eyes Dart All Over Lost in Distanced Vision
Touch of Absent or Painful Sensations
Robotic Movements Motionless or Chaotic
Panic Startle Paralyzed Anxiety
Wishing You Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Quiet Sounds Gentle Touch
Calm Movement Soothing Taste
Eyes Looking at Me Your Loving Spirit
No Longer Driven to Distance
Safe in My Arms with Love with Harmony
With Peaceful Rhythms
The World Seems so Novel
So New with Every Sensation
Such Robotic Memory for Details
Such Difficulty Remembering
Words Expressions Gestures Touch
Out of Synch Sensations
Driving You to Distance
I Know You Need to Sense Peace
Hear My Voice
See My Gestures Feel My Affection
All with Peaceful Rhythms and Repetition
Moving in Harmony With You
I am Always With You
You Can Learn and Grow
Sensing Peaceful Rhythms
Repetitive Sensations Resonating in Harmony
I Will Always Embrace You
And Hold You with Comfort Over and Over
The World Will Not Seem so
New so Novel then Hearing Seeing
Tasting Touching Feeling Breathing Growing
With Peaceful Rhythms
Guiding Your Gentle Spirit
Your Journey Back to Me Less Driven to Distance
In Harmony with Each Other
To listen to “Driven to Distance: A Sensory Journey through Autism” (click here)
Also Available at the Neuropsychology C.H.I.L.D. Foundation:
Child Health Initiative for Learning & Development (non profit) (click here)
Organizations wishing to share this song on their website, please contact us (no fee).
For more information regarding neuropsychological evaluation and treatment, child development information guides, papers, professional staff/consultation: please return to main menu (click here)
contact us:
16001 S. 108th Avenue Suite 2
Orland Park, Illinois 60467
"Cherishing Each Child With Commitment Toward Brain Development and Learning"