Cathleen P. O'Hare: Clinical Neuropsychology/Autism Spectrum Disorders
Heather Madden, M.Ed:
Learning Disabilities/Communication Disorders
Michele Palmer, M.S. CCC.SPL: Speech/Language Specialist
Michele is a practicing speech and language therapist of thirty years. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate level course work and clinically supervises students.
Michele is a member of our evaluation and treatment team.
Mary Kay Roll, B.S.:
Learning Disabilities/Communication Disorders
Angela Searcy, M.S.:
Learning Disabilities/Early Childhood Specialist
Jamie Komen, B.A.:
Learning Disabilities/Communication Disorders
Ida Thompson:
Feldenkrais Movement Specialist
Dorothy Polsky:
Feldenkrais Movement Specialist
*For information regarding staff members click
the name
Our clerical staff is very dedicated to our mission, vision,
and values. We thank them for their efficiency and
certainly their respect of the children. They are happy to
assist you at any time.