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Val L.
Scaramella-Nowinski: Pediatric Neuropsychology:
With extensive background in the field of clinical and research neuropsychology, Dr. Nowinski, in 1985, co-founded and directed the Palos Neuropsychology Laboratory: Child Development and Learning Programs.
In 1995, Dr. Nowinski founded the Neuropsychology
Diagnostic and Treatment Center, continuing extensive services in pediatric
neurodevelopment and learning. The Center provides neuropsychological/
developmental evaluations assessing attention/executive function, perception,
memory, speech/language, motor and mood functions associated with neurological
disorders. The specialty of the Center is pediatric neurodevelopment,
particularly pervasive/autistic
spectrum disorders, dyslexia and related learning and attention disorders. The Center's Treatment Program is
interdisciplinary and is founded upon neuropsychological models of learning and development.
In 2001, Dr. Nowinski founded the Neuroscience Learning and Autism Initiative: diagnostic and
treatment programs.
Dr. Nowinski works very closely with specialists in pediatrics, neurology, psychiatry, otology, immunology, audiology,
ophthalmology/optometry, education, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy,
among others.
Dr. Nowinski's particular research specialty is the clinical correlation between
electroencephalographic abnormalities/variances and the neurodevelopmental symptom complex related to pervasive developmental disorders
and learning disorders.
Professional organizational memberships include the National Academy of Neuropsychology, International Neuropsychology Society; American Psychological Association - Neuropsychology Division 40; Brain Injury
Association, national and international branches; National Center on Learning Disabilities; Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental
and Learning Disorders (ICLD); Coalition of Clinical Practitioners in Neuropsychology (CCPN), as well as numerous
other professional organizations. She is a member of the Advisory Council of the Illinois Branch of the International
Dyslexia Society. She also serves on the Medical Advisory Committee for The Hope Foundation for Autism and Epilepsy Research, and
is a past member of the Board of Directors of the Blue Island Citizens for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Blue Cap).
Dr. Nowinski is the founder of The Neuropsychology C.H.I.L.D. Foundation (Child Health Initiative
for Learning and Development). The non-profit foundation's mission is to inform, educate, promote public
awareness, research, training and advocacy regarding brain development and learning in children.
Dr. Nowinski is an invited speaker at local, national and international conferences. She lectures on such topics as autism, epilepsy, dyslexia, the development of language, attention/learning disorders, and the neuropsychology
of intelligence. Dr. Nowinski is actively involved in congressional/legislative process regarding early age intervention.
Dr. Nowinski's practice is committed to individuals affected by neurodevelopmental conditions and the
increased understanding of brain functions governing child development and learning, so as to aid in improving their quality of life
and helping them reach their fullest potential.
Drina Madden, M.A.,
C.A.S.: Developmental Specialist/Educational Specialist
Cathleen P. O'Hare: Clinical Neuropsychology/Autism Spectrum Disorders
Heather Madden, M.Ed:
Learning Disabilities/Communication Disorders
Michele Palmer, M.S. CCC.SPL: Speech/Language Specialist
Mary Kay Roll, B.S.:
Learning Disabilities/Communication Disorders
Angela Searcy, M.S.:
Learning Disabilities/Early Childhood Specialist
Jamie Komen, B.A.:
Learning Disabilities/Communication Disorders
Ida Thompson:
Feldenkrais Movement Specialist
Dorothy Polsky:
Feldenkrais Movement Specialist
*For information regarding staff members click
the name
Our clerical staff is very dedicated to our mission, vision,
and values. We thank them for their efficiency and
certainly their respect of the children. They are happy to
assist you at any time.