The Pediatric Neuropsychology Diagnostic and Treatment Centeroffers consultation and professional development services for health, allied health, and education professionals. We advocate promoting awareness of current brain research and clinical work among child development and learning specialists.
We provide flexible schedules in order to accommodate your group’s needs. Programs can include half day, full day, or multiple day seminars/workshops.
“Now is the time to forge strong alliances between brain science and education to work to inform best practices at home, school, and in the community”
-Society for Neuroscience
Groups we have collaborated with:
- Schools/Educational Professionals
- Pediatric Health and Allied Health Specialists
- Libraries
- Parent Health and Education Associations
- Educational Toys/Learning Companies
We look forward to meeting with you:
- On Site Consultation
- Audio Consultation/Conferencing
- Web Consultation/Conferencing
- Video Consultation/Conferencing: Local, National, and International
Examples of Consultation and Professional Development Programs
- Autism and Related Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Asperger Disorder
- Attention Deficit Disorder in Children
- Plain Talk About the Brain, Child Development, and Learning
- Bridging Brain Science and Education
- Child Development: Conception –3 Years
- The Magic Years- Birth-5 Years
- Early Childhood Development: 3-6 Years
- Neuroplasticity: The Brain Learns
- The Working Brain: The Development of Attention, Perception, Speech, Language, Sensory, Motor, Memory, Mood/Social and Executive Function/Self Direction During Childhood
- Nutrition and Environmental Wellness in Childhood
- The Development of Intelligence
- Development of Early Sensory/Motor Reflexes Upon Learning
- Sensory/Motor Development
- Attention/Memory Development
- Language Development
- Mood and Social Development
- Literacy Development
- Pre-Literacy: Pre-Reading and Pre-Writing
- Gifted Children and Gifted Children with Learning Disorders
- Child Development Tips for Home
- Child Development Tips for the Classroom
- Child Development Behavior Tips
- Pediatric Brain Injury: Concussion-Mild-Moderate-Traumatic
- Learning Disorders
- Dyslexia
- Auditory Processing and Auditory Integration Disorders
- Sensory Processing, Integration, and Motor Disorders
- Tic Disorders - Tourette Disorder
- Developing Self-Esteem, Social Skills, and Social Relationships
- Childhood Depression
- Anxiety Disorders in Children
- Developmental Disorders in Children