Bridging Brain Science and Child Development among Education, Health, and Allied Health Specialties and Families
“The time is now forge strong alliances between brain science and education to work to inform best practices at home, school, and in the community”
- The Societyfor Neuroscience

The Neuroscience Learning Initiative (NSLI) is a division of the Pediatric Neuropsychology Diagnostic and Treatment Center. NSLI programs are Brain-Building programs for all children. The focus of each program is development of children’s potential and success at home, school, and beyond.
Research and clinical advances among Brain-Science and Child Development specialties, and advances in technology have helped to clear up “myths” regarding child brain development, learning, and intelligence.
Old Information |
New Information |
- Learning potential is what you are born with.
- Learning and IQ are not static. Intelligence potential can be nurtured and developed.
- The brain’s ability to learn decreases as children get older.
- Healthy body-healthy environment results in healthy brain development and learning throughout life. Early childhood is a time of peak development.
- Competency of subject matter is what prepares children for success.
- Developing brain pathways of alertness/attention, memory, sensory, motor, speech, language, mood, social, and executive/planning-thinking functions are fundamental to all learning. This prepares children for success at home, school, and beyond.
- Learning based on fear of failure is what motivates children to learn.
- Optimal learning requires high challenge-low threat. Esteem is a great motivator.
- Learning to read is effortless for most children. Most children, before school begins, can develop the understanding that letters on a page can be sounded out to make words and can recall the visual formation of letters from memory.
- Only about 5% of our nation’s children learn to read before they enter school. About 30% learn to read easily once exposed to formal instruction. The majority of our nation’s children are challenged with reading. (US Senate Committee Report on Human Resources)
- Reading doesn’t significantly improve other subjects.
- Reading is a major avenue to learning about other people, history, social studies, language arts, science, math, general knowledge, spelling, writing, vocabulary…
- Teachers in the US are well prepared to teach the process of reading.
- Teachers receive little formal instruction regarding the process of reading development/reading disorders during undergraduate and/or graduate studies. Teachers are often presented with a “one size fits all” skills-based philosophy regarding reading instruction.
NSLI Brain Building Programs focus upon building brain pathways and the process involved in learning so as to develop intellectual potential, learning, and literacy. Children are guided in developing alertness/attention, sensory, motor, speech, language, memory, mood, social, and executive planning-thinking/self-direction functions. Developing these functions builds esteem, ability to adapt, develop relationships, and allows children to become thinkers, planners, and doers. This is what prepares children for success at home, school, and beyond.
NSLI Brain-Building Programs
NSLI Brain-Building Programs are offered to the public, teachers, school districts, libraries, health/allied health professionals, and organizations that are committed to child development and learning.
Location and Fees
NSLI Brain Building programs are located at the Pediatric Neuropsychology Diagnostic and Treatment Center- Orland Park Office. The Center provides a comfortable pediatric environment and affordable fees.
Some of the Brain Building programs are offered at no charge and minimal fees in coordination with the Neuropsychology C.H.I.L.D Foundation and other non-profit child development foundations.